Ok, so here we are in November...first day of school has come and gone, soccer and Halloween happened too. Kelly is now in first grade (wow. just wow.) and Drew is going to preschool 4 days a week. Both girls are loving their school time and I am thrilled to say both are doing very well. With all the normal issues that come with international adoption, and then adding cleft issues (speech and hearing delays) and the deprivations that went on in Drew's orphanage, we were (still are) prepared for some possibly serious literacy problems. We are so happy to see that is not the case for Kelly, and she is blossoming into a confident reader and speller. It is such a wonderful thing! She is right on that cusp of reading almost anything she can see and is enjoying school and all that comes with it.
The jury is not quite in with Drew. She is quite bright, but literacy problems tend to show up later so we will have to wait and see. Fortunately she also loves school, and is growing socially/emotionally by leaps and bounds.
The park around the corner hosted a city fall festival. Too fun!
Kelly was Pocahontas for Halloween, a lovely one if I might say so. This is her best friend at school.
It's been a busy few months, we tried to catch up on doctor appointments, and that added to the mix. Kelly has reached the 35% in height!! But dropped in weight (16%). I chalk it up to a growth spurt. The kid eats like a horse so I'm not worried. She will start seeing an Orthodontist soon, to prep for the next surgery that should occur in a year or so. The ENT has given the thumbs up for trying to go without replacing the ear tubes for a bit...we'll see how she does, and so far so good. It'd be nice to have ONE thing over and done with, even if it's just ear tubes.
The "bigs" are busy at their respective schools. Cory at Chapman working on her Masters at their film school, and Jamie at SDSU working toward Speech and Language Pathology. Both have a long way to go yet, but are making excellent progress. We miss seeing them (even though Cory allegedly lives here) and the littles love-love-love it when they are home.
Life is good.