The Darling Girls

The Darling Girls

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

7 years ago today....

....we met Kelly in China.  
She was a hot, sweaty, snotty, whiney little 21 month old, who was embarking on a life-changing experience with strangers and in a strange environment.  

 This is her today.  
I can't imagine our family without you.   Happy Family Day big girl!!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Finally Posting

   Ok, I am first to admit that I have been terribly remiss in my posts.  
   Life has been very busy and very good, we are so lucky to all be healthy and happy, and enjoying life.  My goal is to post a little about each of my kids, starting with the eldest, who is no longer a "kid", but an adult who is about to turn 24...yikes!!!
   Cory has just finished her 2nd year (of 3) at Chapman University's Dodge College of Film and Media.  She is studying for her MFA in Film Production with an emphasis in Editing.  The last two years have been very busy for her with projects, classes, internships and T.A.-ing.  She lives at home now, which is great.  We love seeing her (which is seldom due to her schedule) and the Littles love hanging with their oldest sister.  It's been an adventure in compromise for us all, as she lived her first 4 years at Berkeley; away, so moving home as an adult has been challenging. Even so, Ron and I have been so happy to have her around.  One of the perks with her living at home is she came with us on a trip to Taipei, Taiwan for a friend's wedding.  Ron was already out there for work and so Cory, Kelly, Drew and I flew together and had a great time.  She was a huge help to me with the traveling to and from with the Littles, and it was fun having time with her away from her commitments.  The other perk of having her here is she and Jamie watched the Littles for Ron and I while we got away for 11 days for an anniversary trip.  Kelly and Drew never missed us, as hanging with the big sisters is their favorite thing to do.  Knowing the Littles were being watched by their sisters let Ron and I really relax and have fun, and made for some serious bonding time for all four girls.
   Cory has a paid (yay!) internship this summer, with a production company that works in TV.  She is editing for them while juggling editing and producing for summer school, and getting a jump on her thesis.   Her thesis will take up this last year of school, and it will be an interesting year of lots of film work.  We can't wait to see her finished products!
Cory goofing off with the guardian lions in Taipei.