The Darling Girls

The Darling Girls

Monday, December 19, 2011


After a few long day of "hurry up and wait" we arrived at the Civil affairs office and Drew was there waiting. She was NOT happy to see us, as we expected, cried and cried, but didn't put up too much of fight. We did a few formalities and came back to the hotel after a long ride in traffic. She is tiny (or so it seems now that Kelly is four) and came dressed in the traditional many layers, so hot and sweaty. She's got a bad cough, most likely scabies and hasn't cracked a smile or word, but is very alert, watches every thing and everyone, and enjoyed her bath. Thankfully she gulped down a bottle and crashed for (hopefully) the night. We are all exhausted and off to bed too, to be up early for a day of paperwork and offical to try to post some pictures: they probably are posting before this post.


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drew is just gorgeous and Kelly has gotten so big and so pretty!!!! Have fun in Guangzhou. That was the best part of the trip last time. You'll draw Drew out of her shell in no time. Congratulations again!!!
    Heidi Myers, Atlanta, GA (we traveled together when you adopted Kelly and we adopted Brooke)

  2. Hi Heidi,
    Thanks for the congrats...yes, it is good to be in GZ, and she is already opening up. We (the whole family) were just remembering our trip here with Kelly, of course, and thinking of all of you. How is Brooke and your other daughter? Did you move? For some reason I thought you lived in Colorado...? I do remember alot of people from our group were in Atlanta. Tiffany and some others are adopting again too, but not till next year. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas.
